Sep 21, 2008
What's Up Around T.T.A.?
Monday September 22, 2008:
Homework Club begins! Come receive help on your homework from 2:50pm to 4:00pm with Ms. Lisa and some friendly tutors! Homework Club is *everyday* except Friday.
Job Club:
Hold onto your $25 certificates. You'll be going to the bank soon to open your very own savings account.
Family Life:
Have a question? Ms. Stacey has "girl talk" sign-ups on her office door in Room 201. You can also drop a totally confidential and private question in her "question box" found in her classroom.
Community Organizer:
Parents, Mr. Tree needs your permission slips...please send them our way.
We are always here to tackle any problems that come up so please let us know what we can do! Have a great school year!